blood pressure medication effects on

Posted On 14:07 by Blaire |

blood pressure medication effects on
There is a link between high blood pressure and anxiety. If we are anxious our body's natural reaction is to give blood. While this temporary spike in blood pressure is normal and usually not dangerous, anxiety can be a problem if It affects our lifestyle, or persistent.

For example, if people are worried they tend to unhealthy habits such as overcrowding, in other alcohol and smoking, which can dramatically increase a person who has high blood pressure risk.

In addition, repeatedly and often temporary episodes of high blood pressure and anxiety can also lead to the same results to damage the blood vessels, kidneys and heart, usually caused by persistent hypertension.

Since there are many other high blood pressure risk factors, there is no reason why you should fear to the list. The following 5 tips you can practice to help your high blood pressure and anxiety.

1.Focus your attention on one project at a time - Instead of trying to multitask, focus all attention on completing one task at a time. If your mind is completely on a task that all your mental and emotional effort into the job market on the hand that keeps your mind and ask themselves overwhelmed with other thoughts, priorities and requirements. The more a person feels overwhelmed, the less productive, and the more their anxiety grows.

2.Learn to say "No" - If you are out of the way to try and please everyone, you can see for yourself too thin and live in a constant state of high blood pressure and anxiety. About himself commit yourself about your physical and emotional limits, so that you are tired, stressed, revised and dilapidated - all factors that cause anxiety. You must learn to say "No" to others, which is more of your time than you can or are willing to give.

Your 3.Limit alcohol and caffeine intake - Both alcohol and caffeine can worsen anxiety. Therefore, if you feel anxious, by the intake of caffeinated products such as chocolate, coffee, tea and mineral water. In relation to high blood pressure and anxiety and alcohol, one can think that since consuming alcohol reduces feelings of anxiety, this would be an ideal method. The truth is, while alcohol suppress feelings of anxiety, it increases the risk of high blood pressure and depression. Therefore, it is essential to your health, you'll never alcohol as a remedy for the relief of anxiety, as this is a bad and deadly habit.

4.Breathe Deep - Deep breathing exercises are an excellent way to soothe the spirit and anxiety episodes. Here is a kind of deep breathing exercise, you can:

® Take a deep breath by inhaling through the nose and slowly count to four while you inhale.
® Hold your breath for a number of three
® Exhale slowly through your mouth and count down from four while you exhale.
® Repeat four times

5.Engage in regular exercise - Exercise is a great relieve stress. It helps clear your mind and your mental attitude towards life. Exercise to improve sleep and increased physical stamina. When you exercise, the body releases endorphins, chemicals that your body feel good. Studies have shown that people who are long-term exercise programs (IE 30 minutes of daily exercise), their ability to cope with stress.

In addition, do not forget that exercise also helps healthy weight levels, as a person overweight increases the risk of hypertension. However, you should first talk to your doctor before engaging in any exercise regime.

If you have trouble, your anxiety on your own, you can talk to your doctor about finding help from a qualified therapist, because the bottom line is that you need to get your high blood pressure and anxiety under control.
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