diet to reduce blood pressure

Posted On 14:08 by Blaire |

diet to reduce blood pressure
According to the American Heart Association approximately 1 in 3 of all Americans today are a very high blood pressure. Of about 1 / 3 of these people do not really know that they suffer from this disease. But for those who gave it a movement more people to search for an alternative medicine high blood pressure relief options, rather than relying solely on prescribed medication.

This move to alternative medicine seems to be part of a broader movement for people to understand and more control over their own health to take over. The people a better chance of preventing illness.

However, it is important to remember that many alternatives have not been through the same extensive tests that the drugs must by law, and so some of the claims are examined closely.

Also, it is never wise to run an alternative medicine without first consulting with your doctor to make sure that there are no interactions with other drugs you can and that the alternative is appropriate for you.

Research has been conducted on a range of alternative natural products have shown that the promise to help alleviate high blood pressure, including garlic and ginseng, but this article will look at some other alternatives:

1. Fishoil

There were a number of studies carried out on the benefits of fish oils, reduction of high blood pressure. Research in Western Australia found that a weight-loss diet in combination with daily fish is very effectively reduce blood pressure, triglycerides and the good cholesterol.

A study conducted at Harvard found that supplementation with fish oil each day, the blood pressure in hypertensive persons. Most improvements, in which people with atherosclerosis or elevated cholesterol.

The effects of fish oil on hypertension appears to be related to the dose used, and whether a person blood pressure or elevated cholesterol levels.

2. Folic acid

Folic acid is the vitamin B group and is vital for our bodies to red blood cells. This particular acid may be beneficial for the people to lower high blood pressure.

After a researcher at a conference on high blood pressure in the U.S., young women who consumed more than 800 mgs of folic acid per day reduces the chance of suffering with high blood pressure by almost one third, compared to women who are less than 200 ug / day.

3. Hawthorn

Traditional herbal practitioners regularly with this particular kind of alternative for the treatment of hypertension.

A randomized controlled study conducted in Britain to the people suffer from type 2 diabetes. During the study some of the people were given 1200mg of hawthorn extract per day, while the other is just a sugar pill (placebo) instead of 16 weeks. At the end of the 16-week study found that high blood pressure levels in those who are under the hawthorn extract.

It is important that you should be an alternative treatment, please contact your doctor.

Read on if you want to view the alternative medicine high blood pressure relief options available and to sign up for our free newsletter.
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