diets to reduce blood pressure

Posted On 14:08 by Blaire |

diets to reduce blood pressure
There are high blood pressure signs you should be aware, regardless of whether you use the birth control pills or not. But for most high blood pressure sufferers, recognizing signs can be easier said than done. The reason is because high blood pressure usually has no symptoms due to the fact that the basic warning signs associated with it are extremely vague.

Nevertheless, the following are the basic warning signs of high blood pressure you should consider:

® Headache
® dizziness
® nosebleeds
® red face
® fatigue.

As you can see from the above list of symptoms, it is easy for someone to ignore these symptoms or wrong than another problem. This is why high blood pressure is generally known as "the silent killer" because for those who are not regular blood pressure checkups, it is usually not to an extreme experience the symptoms that he / she seeks medical help.

The following extreme hypertension symptoms occur when high blood pressure (blood pressure is equal to or higher than 140/90 mmHg.) Has persistent, severe and untreated for a long time. The symptoms are usually the result of damage, which has been done to the brain, eyes, kidneys and heart.

These include:

® Severe unexplained headache
® Fatigue
® restlessness
® nausea
® vomiting
Shortness ®
® Blurred vision
® chest pain or shortness of breath after mild stress

More extreme characters:

® Eye damage and loss of vision
® organ failure - Kidney and / or heart are not
® heart attack
® stroke or a transient ischemic attack (better known as "mini-stroke)
® aneurysm
® peripheral arterial disease
® Brian swelling - which is rare but can cause drowsiness and coma.

Note: If you click on one of the above extreme characters visiting hospital emergency immediately.

How can high blood pressure treated?

First of all, whether you have high blood pressure signs or not, always check your blood pressure every year, and inform your doctor if you have a family history of hypertension, kidney failure, heart attack or stroke, as this increases the risk.

Apart from that, high blood pressure can be a thorough change in lifestyle, but depending on the severity of the disease, some people may require a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatment.

Changes in the way of life --

Essen - to limit and eliminate the food high blood pressure, including saline, saline, salty and processed foods, foods with a high content of saturated fat, sugary foods and drinks, caffeine and alcohol.

Quit smoking - Nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels constrict, and increases the blood pressure.

Exercise - Physical activity actually contributes to reduction of blood pressure during inactivity increases the blood pressure. Exercise is a good way to make your body healthy and strong, and is a fantastic way to lose weight and good.

Lose weight - If you are extremely overweight or obese you put more pressure on the heart. You must reduce your weight by regular exercise and healthy eating into your lifestyle. Avoid crash diets as these only worsen your condition.

Drugs - If your doctor believes you need medicines to control your high blood pressure signs, you may be medication to help, the stress on your heart, organs and blood vessels, including diuretics (water pills), beta - blockers, calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBS), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors, alpha-blockers, etc.

Remember, even if medication can help, lifestyle changes are essential for the control of hypertension.

It is important that you realize high blood pressure can go undetected for years and cause no symptoms, while still damaging the blood vessels, heart and other organs. Therefore, if you suspect you have high blood pressure signs, are not sure if you do this, or even if you do not, always visit your healthcare provider each year by your blood pressure checked. Monitoring your blood pressure, and measures to control, if it is high, is the only way you can from the silent killer.
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